Beyond the Classroom with Computer Science

March 4, 2024

In the rapidly evolving landscape of education, the traditional approach to teaching Computer Science has transformed into an interactive experience. From hands-on learning with LEGO and robots, to integrating real-world enterprise scenarios into lessons, at Great Ballard we are embracing innovative methods to make Computer Science lessons not simply educational but enjoyable and immediately applicable to real-world situations.

Gone are the days when Computer Science was synonymous with dull lectures and abstract theories. Today our teaching makes coding and programming accessible for every student: starting from the earliest age, our children use hands on tools like LEGO, to build and then program their creations. The integration of robots into Computer Science classes adds another layer of excitement. Students can programme robots to perform tasks, fostering a deeper understanding of algorithms, logic and problem-solving. The interactive nature of these activities not only makes learning enjoyable but gives students valuable skills for their futures.

Recognising the appeal of gaming (we run our own popular after school activities and hotly contested e-Sports House Competition), we incorporate these elements into lessons: letting students create their own games, using different methods of coding and design and allowing their imaginations to run wild. This approach transforms the learning process, fostering a love for problem-solving.

As part of our whole school focus on enterprise and future skills, we help students understand how Computer Science meets the needs of business and industry. Collaborative projects that simulate real-world challenges provide students with valuable insights into the practical applications of their coding skills.

In the senior years at Great Ballard, as part of their Personal Development Programme, students explore career paths and develop specialised skills. Recognising the importance of industry-recognised qualifications, we are guiding students in Years 10 and 11 to pursue Microsoft Certifications. These include: Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) and Microsoft Technical Associate (MTA). These certifications not only build students' skills but also enhance their CVs and employability across all sectors.

Our students live in an increasingly digital world and with news stories about the dangers of AI and social media abounding, it is crucial that we empower them to be digital creators, not just digital users.  We are passionate about the importance of Computer Science, which is why every student here, regardless of their GCSE choices, has timetabled lessons all the way to 16. It’s a subject that proudly combines academic rigour with fun; hands-on learning with high level challenge and gaming with real-world applications and that, no doubt, is why it continues to thrive at GB.

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